Breeder Celect Cat Litter (30l)
Our uniquely formulated Breeder Celect cat litter pellets are made from >99% recycled paper with no additives or chemicals.
- Natural odour control
- No additives or chemicals
- Highly absorbent – superior performance
- Suitable for rabbit
- Biodegradable
- Economical – long lasting
- Lightweight – easy to handle
- Virtually dust-free – reduces tracking & will not mark floors
- Easy pour spout makes them easier to pour and gives more control.
We have been asked many times why Breeder Celect/Back-to-Nature (BC/B2N) are the market leaders in 100% Recycled Paper Bedding and are better choices for cats & small animals. There are so many brands in the market claiming their brands are better. Here’s how you can tell the difference:-
WHY Breeder Celect / Back-to-Nature are the BETTER CHOICES?
- Higher Paper Density (weight/volume ratio) – when you see a recycled paper product that is cheaper than most others, usually it means there is less paper used in the product. Paper density (weight/volume ratio) will be lower.
- With lesser paper used, the lesser amount of odour & liquid the paper material can absorb. That means you may need more of the product to get the similar effectiveness in odour/liquid absorption. You may end up spending more using other brands of recycled paper bedding.
- More uniformly-shaped pellets can be found in Breeder Celect/Back-to-Nature. The advanced technology in the production used allows compact, high paper density pellets to be made. This means virtually no dust, less wastage and you get MORE PRODUCT in a bag.
- No binders used. If there is a glossy coating on each pellet from other brands you use, it means the product uses binder to hold the pellet. When such pellets get wet, it will disintegrate. The pellets will not hold their shape and the whole litter bedding will look messy and dirty. Also, the binder may be chemical-based.
- Ask the supplier who sells their brands:- are the recycled paper used in their product using solvent-free print ink? Breeder Celect /Back-2-Nature use solvent-free print ink which is GREENER, and does not emit Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC). VOCs are likely to be carcinogenic, and family members are at a higher risk of developing asthma or allergies.
- Breeder Celect / Back-2-Nature are chemical & additive-free, and reduce up to 40% transport emission to deliver to you compared to traditional cat sand litter which is much heavier to deliver. We are more Earth-Friendly.
If you are concerned about the health of your pets & the environment, choose the RIGHT bedding, and the RIGHT recycled paper bedding
Size: 10l, 20l, 30l
- Pour litter 2–4cm (1–2 inches) deep into tray.
- If your pet does not readily accept the new pellets, sprinkle some over existing litter, & increase new pellets daily.
- For best results, remove waste (solid and urine) regularly & stir pellets to aerate. Top up with fresh pellets as needed, & completely replace at least once a week.
- Waste can be used as a surface mulch.
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